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Blogging is Fundamental to Business Growth

blog6If you run your own business, or planning to start one, you would know the amount of effort and money that goes into marketing your websites & blogs. If you want your business to gain more prominence and wider recognition, you need to blog! Blogging is the best marketing tool you can and should be using to drive business to your business. If you don’t have a blog, please take notice of this list and carefully consider if you should be or shouldn’t be blogging as part of your marketing efforts.

Business blogs provide your small business with a chance to share your expertise and knowledge with a larger audience. Blogging is changing the way we communicate with our target market, clients/customers and fellow business owners. Blogs provide a way for you to speak directly, openly and honestly with your customer.

Easy Web Publishing Solution: Blog software is easy to use. Simply write your thoughts, link to resources, and publish to your blog, all at the push of a few buttons. If you’re using TypePad or Wordpress, you are in luck. Blogging communities have developed some of the best tools, plugins, tutorials and software for small business & home business owners to get started. These tools are highly essential because they dramatically increase your website’s content, traffic & sales!

Search engines love blogs. This is an essential key to recognition and blogging. Because a blog is designed to be easily updated, you will update it with relevant content addressing your target market. If you can write an email, you can update and post to a blog. The key is not just content, but NEW Relevant Content. A well-written, routinely updated, keyword-oriented blog can enhance your chances of garnering high rankings on search engine return pages.

Blogging can place you and your blog as the place to go for the information that is needed on the Internet. A blog puts that information in a form and fashion your target can understand and use. Your target market is using the web to search for everything, including the services or products you are offering. Our prospects and our market are demanding more than we can provide in a Yellow Page ad or on a static Web site. You can provide up-to-date, relevant and much needed information with a blog, which your audience/customers and future clients are demanding.

Competitive Differentiation: Because blogs give you the opportunity to tell your story over and over, they help set you apart from the competition. Blogs enable you to articulate your viewpoints, knowledge and expertise on matters pertaining to your industry, thereby positioning you as an expert.

Having a blog puts you in control of your own marketing strategy. Because you are in complete control of your blog, you have the ability experiment as much as you want, without the fear of losing big money as in the case of media campaigns. E.g. you can broadcast your very own radio or TV talk show. With the technology available, you can publish podcast and video podcast as often as you want. You will be able to interact with your target audience and market yourself in a way you could never do with just a normal ad in a news paper /Yellow Page or a static Web site. When it comes to blogging sky really is the limit!

I am always happy to solve your questions about blogging. Both how-to and what it can do for you and your business. Get in touch with me today.