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Display Advertising 101

display-adDisplay advertising is the most basic form of any advertising. It was formerly known as banner advertising and was the first model of internet advertising. As with all advertising campaigns, the first thing which you need in display advertising is to know what your audience wants and how you are going to achieve it. Here are a few tips to make the most of this graphical advertising on the internet:

Develop innovative campaigns: A creative ad which captures the attention of the audience is great for achieving your campaign objectives. The size of the ads will depend on the uniqueness of each ad and the kind of effect you are looking for. But remember that ads which take too long to load are bypassed by most consumers resulting in weak campaign performance.

Select proper advertising platforms: The appropriate platform makes all the difference between a successful business and a failed one. For example, one would hardly advertise old age medicines on a preppy social networking site. The advertisement would be out of context and the money spent on the campaign would be a waste. Thus, selecting your platform according to the target audience is crucial. Social networking sites are one of the best advertising platforms since they enable you to reach out to a diverse range of people belonging to different age groups. Demographics, vertical and location - all matter when it comes to choosing an appropriate platform.

Negotiate an appropriate price: Costs for ads should be properly negotiated or you may end up paying premium price for a mediocre location. Ad prices are negotiated on the basis of CPA, CPM or CPC. CPA is the ad cost per acquisition. This kind of advertisements are paid for only when someone directly converts the advertisement.CPM is the cost of ads per thousand, which means that it charges for thousand impressions at once. CPC is cost per click wherein advertisers pay the publishers on the basis of the number of clicks an ad gets.

Track your campaign results: The biggest advantage of online advertising campaigns is that their results can be tracked easily. No matter which network you choose to advertise with, get all reports concerning your marketing results and adjust or change your campaign strategy accordingly.

Secure ROI: Display advertising is the best way to guarantee ROIs. Usage of creative ad displays, which hold consumer interest, generate good ROIs and are an essential part of good marketing campaigns. The best ROIs are generated by combining search based advertising campaigns with display advertising campaigns. So, while planning your next campaign use your creativity to come up with an ad which brings most ROIs.

Track the trends: Successful advertising demands that you give consumers what they want. This means keeping yourself abreast of the changing market trends. The latest trends in display advertising veer towards data driven advertisements. The audience wants data regarding everything; where to buy, what to buy and how to buy along with product details that tell them everything regarding the products. So, plan your campaigns along these lines.