Optimize that Press Release Before Posting
Press releases posted online have emerged as a powerful medium to draw the attention of existing and potential customers as well as probable business partners, all of which can give your business a boost. However, to get the most out of your press releases, you need to optimize them carefully. Here are some tips that you can use to optimize your press releases to give your business the much needed leverage:
Select appropriate keywords: Carry out research for relevant keywords before you write your press release. You can take the help of Google Adwords or WordTracker to find relevant keywords for your line of business an even use Google Analytics to know the keywords that people search to find you. Other tools that can help you to evaluate keywords are Google Insights for Search and Google Trends. Once you have finalized the list of keywords to be used, weave them into your press release to grab eyeballs and bait the search engine spiders.
Correct placing of the keywords: Once you have shortlisted the relevant keywords, you have to place the keyword phrases at the correct and most important places of your press release. So, weave them into your headline, subheads, as well as the first and second paragraphs. SEO experts say that you should include the main keyword phrase in your title, and within the first 100 characters of your PR. It is also advisable to put the most important information close to the beginning, if possible, and improve keyword weight by reducing unnecessary words in between.
Hyperlink the keywords: Use your keywords as anchor text links, and hyperlink them to relevant pages of your website in case you are distributing the PR on various press release sites. However, it’s not wise to point all the links to your home page. To optimize your PR, you can link your PR to your home page, product page, and your blog, if you have any. A word of caution though – don’t go overboard with hyperlinks. A maximum of 3-4 links per release would be a good number to stick to.
Optimize images and multimedia content: If your PR contains multimedia content and/or images, optimize/tag them with your target keywords.
Using keywords and their variations: According to a rough guideline, your main keyword phrase and/or its variation keywords should feature approximately one time for every 100 words. However, this is not a strict guideline. The key is to blend in keyword support without sacrificing the readability of your press release.
PR on your own website: Instead of distributing your PR via various press release sites, if you want to put it on your own website, make sure that you optimize the title tag of your page, the url and the Meta description tag according to the best SEO practices.
Finding services that optimizes your online press release: Once your PR is ready for distribution, you can give it an additional boost by using services that optimizes it online. Several traditional wire services provide SEO distributions, which you can use to your own advantage, either along with your traditional wire distribution or as a standalone step.
So, use these steps to optimize your PR so that you can bring increased web traffic and a hefty ROI your way.