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The Psychology Behind Converting Visitors into Customers

The Psychology Behind Converting Visitors into Customers

Understanding the needs and preferences of your buyers is the first step towards closing a successful sale. However, you can persuade your customers – both existing and potential, to buy more from you by making use of some psychology data, which are as follows:

Breaking “action paralysis”: Most buyers don’t take any action unless they are prodded or encouraged to set foot outside their comfort zone of inaction. For example, reminding your customers how easy it is to get started with your services (one month free trial, a discounted price for the first 20 customers etc) can break their action paralysis and encourage them to act in your favor.

Tapping into the 3 types of buyers: Several research results have shown that there exists mainly 3 types of buyers namely spendthrifts, average buyers, and tightwads. While spendthrifts make a mere 15% of the total buyer segment, tightwads account for 24%, and the average buyers for 61%. You should position your offerings differently for these segments. For example, while an average buyer with an eye on long term savings may get encouraged by a product that costs $100/month, a tightwad may think about buying only when you reframe the product value as less than $4 a day. So, even when you are marketing the same product/service, remember to fine tune your campaigns depending on the type of targeted buyers. 

Accept shortcomings: Rather than blaming external sources for failures, you should accept your shortcomings and stress on your success stories. Buyers prefer to trust companies that admit their failures as it shows how serious the company is in fixing the shortcomings.

Play on the sense of instant gratification: To appeal to your customers in a better way, highlight how your offerings can give them a fast solution to their problems. Focusing on fast shipping, quick delivery, and other methods of instant gratification will give your customers the right incentive to buy from you.

Promote values and build a brand name: Customers identify with brands that are driven by uncompromising values. Be it donating a sum to the charities, clothes to the poor during Christmas, and similar acts of kindness, or being driven by honesty, make sure to strike a chord with your customers and once they find how the values they hold dear are what drive your business, they will convert into your loyal clientele.

So, use these research findings to bring more customers to your business.