Innovative Ways to Make Your Website Content Exciting
If your existing content on your website isn’t bringing you the desired results, it’s time to overhaul it by considering the following tips:
Be present without being present: Many companies use every chance that an article, infographics, video, or other content gives them, to position their brand and drum up publicity for their offerings. If you too have been doing the same, it’s time to get out of the picture. Remember that your content needs to offer solutions to your customers’ problems and engage them by providing informative news and data to build trust and earn their respect. Since all your content will ultimately be found on your site and social spaces controlled by you, it’s assumed that people will identify them with your brand and products/services.
Give stuff away for free: Freebies are always lapped up by netizens. Why don’t you create an e-book, infographics, or organize a short webinar and let people on your subscriber’s list enjoy them for free? Just make sure to use interesting content for these to entice people into checking your website and offerings as you never know how and when a prospect can get converted into a customer.
Create podcasts: If you have been uploading videos on YouTube until now, it’s time to tread bigger grounds by creating your own podcasts, which you can distribute online. These podcasts could be about your product details, or tips and tricks to help customers’ solve everyday problems. You may even use them as a publicity tool for your upcoming training session/product launch/e-book. If you keep a balance between promotional and useful content, such podcasts can help you connect with your audience and win their trust.
Say it with pictures: If you know about Pinterest, perhaps you understand how effective pictures can be. Taking a cue from this site, you can use videos, images, infographics, slideshows, photo galleries etc along with your content to make the words and their impact more powerful.
Make your content smart-device friendly: As more and more people read content on their smartphones, it becomes important to make your site mobile-friendly and do away with heavy graphics that take a lot of time to load. After all, you don’t want to drive away your readers just because your site takes forever to display its contents.
Divide lengthy content into small chunks: If you plan to upload large chunks of information, articles etc, it would be better to divide them into smaller pieces and publish them over a period of time so that it becomes easy to access and read them on smartphones and other mobile devices.
Give your old content a new twist: If you have old content that still holds true in today’s world and can do better with a fresh twist or tweak, don’t shy away from repackaging and republishing it.
The key is offer your readers and site visitors something new, informative, and refreshing on a regular basis to make them come back for more. So, overhaul your content marketing campaign accordingly to reap the benefits.