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A Great Blog Title for Greater Website Traffic

Learn to craft blog post titles, which will draw readers to your blog. As an important element of a blog, the title is the window to your blog post. Here is a list of strategies you can use to write a great blog title: Keep it short and simple:Straight and simple titles, which help the user determine what the post is about works best. Give a title, which communicates the benefit of reading the article too. Good Example: 20 Ways to Advertise your Website for FREE Bad Example: Find out how you can market your website online. Readers first, Search Engines next:Don’t try optimizing your blog...

10 Topics to Blog About

“So what do I blog about?” Often my customers want to start a blog but are stumped or intimidated as to what to write about. For an active blog, you need to post blogs at least three times per week. If you have the time to update your blog more often, great! But, if your blog idea cup runneth over, here are the top 10 ideas you could use: Address FAQs or queries, which you get from your customers. They (customers) are surely the heart of all business. Answering their FAQs in the form of blogs will help existing and future clients. Also, instead of repeatedly responding to the same questions,...

How Vertical Blogging Helps With Marketing

Blogs are an excellent way to interact with your customers, both present and prospective, provided they are informative. According to most expert bloggers, successful blogs are those that help the reader or customer find timely solutions to their problems. Solution oriented blogs are not only good for reading but contribute to sound business sense as well. Recently, however internet marketing and blog specialists concur that blogging has taken a completely different route - it has gone vertical. In other words, vertical blogs are the current blogging sensation making huge rounds in the business...

How Blogging Helps SEO

Blogging is an extremely popular method to communicate your thoughts and activities to the outside world. While most businesses use blogging to increase traffic to their website, care must be taken to make sure that your blogs are not solely for that purpose but actually advance your business as well. However, it is important to mention that blogging does help and benefit SEO tactics used by the company to enhance visibility of its offerings on the web. Following are some of the important ways in which blogging helps SEO.

Guest Blogging - Does it Help Your Business?

If you have a way with words and like to blog, try guest blogging. If you are wondering what guest blogging is all about, it’s where you write blogs for other blog owners. Apart from promoting yourself, guest blogging can also help you in your business in the following ways: Gain access to newer audiences:To expand your business, you need to attract audiences apart from those who are already aware of your business or are hooked onto your products. Guest blogging can help you explore untapped markets by exposing your writing to people hitherto unknown to you. By blogging on different types of...

10 Ideas to Get Your Blog Read

In the last decade, nothing has taken the online world by storm like blogging has. Overnight, people could share opinions, news, information, you name it on a webpage hosted by a blogging site – and it was mostly free. And since we live in a (mostly) democratic world, free speech became the trendiest right of a free people. In the last couple of years, the phenomenon of blogging has grown by leaps and bounds, and is now considered a worthy equivalent to even journalism, albeit with its own branding – cyber journalism. Blogging has given rise to a new voice, that of the common citizen (or in...

How Does Blogging Drive Traffic?

Given the present age when dependence on the internet to market your business is very high, it is obvious that newer options of internet marketing will be sought. One of the easiest yet versatile ways in which you can garner more traffic to your website is blogging. Most of us have experienced the power of blogging in one way or the other but not all of us are fully aware of the ways in which blogging ensures traffic generation. Following are some of the ways that you can use while blogging to increase traffic to your website: Post fresh content regularly:Content is the king and if you want...

Timing Blog Posts, eNewsletters and SMS for Maximum Impact

If you have been using blogs, e-newsletters or even SMS to interact with your clients, other businesses or individual customers, you would have noticed that there are times when your posts or newsletters are most effective. Given that these are popular modes of communication between B2B as well as B2C, it is obvious that there is nothing wrong with the strategy but with the execution. Delivery of blogs, e-newsletters or SMS means and includes the time as well as the days of the week when they are posted or sent. Whilst experts believe that each business has to work out its own strategy with...

Essentials to Growing Your Business Blog Readership

Blogging well is the bottom line whether you maintain a personal or business blog. However, a well-read business blog that gets quality traffic is a world away from sharing your opinions, reviews, and personal beliefs in your personal blog. Since your business blog is a tool to promote and grow your business, remember that you must always: Maintain a professional tone. Not resort to any kind of arguments, personal or otherwise. Remember, a businessman discusses his view points, doesn’t counter someone else’s. Not resort to the online footprint sharing strategy, the ‘I visit your blog, you...

Blogging is Fundamental to Business Growth

If you run your own business, or planning to start one, you would know the amount of effort and money that goes into marketing your websites & blogs. If you want your business to gain more prominence and wider recognition, you need to blog! Blogging is the best marketing tool you can and should be using to drive business to your business. If you don’t have a blog, please take notice of this list and carefully consider if you should be or shouldn’t be blogging as part of your marketing efforts. Business blogs provide your small business with a chance to share your expertise and knowledge...

Innovative Ways to Increase Comments on Your Blog

The number of comments on your blog indicates the level of interaction your blog has with its audience. According to Jakob Nielsen, 90% of online community users are lurkers (read or observe without contributing) with about 9% of users contributing ‘a little’ and 1% contributing actively. 1% of your blog’s users actively engaging with your blog and the rest are occasional contributors. Do you want to increase the number of comments on your blog? You can increase the participation levels on your blog by following the ways listed below: Ensure easy comment options: Does your blog require a login...

Market Your Blog To The Masses

Are you looking for an effective way of enhancing your online business? Would you like to get more customers for your online services and products? You can definitely do so by making use of blog marketing. This consists of nothing more than putting up relevant content, about the services/ products that you offer on your website, so as to market your online business!

Blogging For the 21st Century

Blogging is a regularly updating advertisement for your online business which provides your readers detailed information about your product updates, company information and recent happenings in your company. Updating your blog frequently means letting your readers and potential customers know that you are always trying to improve, be it improving your product quality or service and thereby reassuring their faith in your company’s products. Blogging is also known for its effective quality of generating quality traffic for your business and establishing your points of presence in your field of...