Using Forums to Increase Traffic to Your Website
More and more people these days are looking for new and innovative ways to drive traffic to their websites. If you too are looking to do the same, try forum participation to lure people into visiting your site.
To begin with, you will need to find out some relevant forums that promote or talk about products or services that you deal with. It always pays to have a focus on the type of traffic that you want to attract. Since many web surfers surf casually, attracting them won’t serve your purpose as such people are likely to leave the site in a hurry. What’s more, since these casual surfers ...
Press Release Sites You Can't Overlook
Writing and submitting press releases related to your business and service is an important aspect of online marketing campaigns today. Worthwhile news can be shared with others and offer more opportunities for inbound linking and others to find your site. We've compiled some of the hottest Press Release sites on the net. When writing, a good rule of thumb is to keep your press release between 300-400 words and include no more than two links with your complete URL in the body of the article. Be sure to grade your press release for marketing effectiveness before submitting it to the masses.

Branding Is Smart Business
Why and how to build a strong brand for your biz Picture this: A prospective customer sees your logo, your email newsletter, or your ad, and in a split second thinks, "Oh! There's that great company again. They have just what I need. I'm going to buy from them today."
Sounds good, right? It's what every company wants: brand recognition. And with a little effort, you can build it for yourself!

Five Killer Tips for Location Based Services
In these days when social networking has become a part of one’s daily and business lives, Location Based Services or LBS is making it more effective. This is one marketing strategy that takes your use of social media to another level, and helps your efforts become specific and more concentrated. This will aid in getting more customers within a particular region or locality. Moreover, thanks to LBS, you can expect your customers to visit to your place and get the feel of the products and services. The major LBS applications that are currently in vogue are Loopt, Foursquare, and Gowalla. Let’...
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