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Using Traffic Funnels to Improve Website Conversions
Before talking about website conversion, it’s important to know what conversion is and how it can affect the return on investment of your marketing campaign. To begin with, a conversion is an action that a user takes on your site, which is valuable to your business. Usually, it’s a sale but it can also include an action or task you desire from your visitor, such as: downloading a file, signing up for a newsletter, viewing a video, or putting a request for more information.
In the world of email marketing: permission-based email marketers are the good guys. They value the trust and privacy of each and every customer that walks through their door and thus, the trust and privacy of every subscriber that joins their mailing list. As a result, they have better open rates, less spam reports, and more opportunities to grow their business with email marketing.
If you have a business website, perhaps you have heard about SEO. If not, here’s what Wikipedia has to tell about SEO – It is the “process of improving ranking in search engine results.” SEO is an internet marketing strategy that can help you to promote and market your website on the World Wide Web.
Before we start talking about SEO techniques, you need to know what on-page and off-Page optimization is all about.

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